A Travel Agent's Super Powers!

Making Travel Human Again In A Digital World!

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In today’s fast paced digital world where all the world’s knowledge exists at the end of our fingertips. There is no denying the ease and practicality of online travel booking engines.

It’s almost a no-brainer to type into all knowing Google’s search bar your desired destination, best time to visit and how much are tickets. The newest updates even give AI answers at times to questions you might not have even known you had. Giving you all the information you want about currency, costs, landmarks, hotels…

All the information you need is right at your fingertips and you’ll get to it.

🧺 After the laundry…

📧 After the that last work email…

🥪 Maybe on your lunch break…

Or perhaps finally when the insomnia keeps you up because you really need that vacation to unwind and relax… 🙏🥱

Then you’ll get around to it.

Finally researching that vacation you’ve been dreaming about.

Don’t forget you still have to plan and book it! 😵

Finding dates that fit your PTO and your budget… preparing your itineraries, researching ALL the possibilities and making your decisions.

All that while still keeping up with your regular life.

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Phew… Can I get a vacation from trying to plan my vacation already?

You’re probably wondering if there’s an easier way…

What if I told you there is. There’s a person out there who would love to do nothing more than help you talk out, plan out and book your trip for you!

This travel hero is known as a travel agent. And they have a certain set of super powers that can forever make your travel planning, booking and vacationing experience more human and personal in this ever electric, mechanical and transactional world.

Let’s get into making travel human again! Here’s how a travel agent can help you bring the human touch back into your next trip!

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Travel Agents Elevate The Entire Experience With A Human Touch

Just like how some superheroes can, see through walls, read minds, leap tall buildings in a single bound or simply have cooler gadgets then the other people on their team, a travel agent brings their own special talents to your travel planning experience.

Unlike the emotionless, transactional interface of online booking engines, that promise lower prices and a faceless chat interface if you have a problem. An agent knows your name, your travel preferences and the exact purpose and reason for your trip.

And that lower prices thing?

Travel agents work directly with their suppliers and often have special deals you won’t be able to get anywhere else.

An unlike the solitary experience of searching, comparing and booking with nothing more than online reviews to go on when you book by yourself.

When you use an agent, a real person who speaks to you on the phone, through an online messenger or even video call you’ll have human interaction. You’ll benefit from their wealth of knowledge about their vendors and suppliers.

They do all the leg work so you don’t have to.

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Human Support When You Need It Most

Nervous about your first trip overseas? Concerned about not speaking the language in your end destination? Having second thoughts about boarding a cruise ship with 4,000 other people to cruise out in the open ocean?

When you book using an online search engine you only have the option of self soothing.

Which often looks like doom scrolling on Instagram or obsessively googling information that either contradicts your fears, worries or concerns or directly feeds it.

That seems stressful…

When you partner with a travel agent to make your travel dreams a reality you get a superhero directly in your corner. Someone to cheer you on and provide outside insights based on their own experiences and experiences of other clients.

They can be a listening partner to hear you out if you’re having questions or concerns about anything they’ve helped you book on your trip.

This can be especially helpful when traveling to destinations with different languages, customs or culture from home.

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A Real Relationship Is Formed Between Two People

Unlike the completely 100% transactional interface of using an online booking engine when you partner with a travel agent you create a human relationship.

No matter how many loyalty points you earn for free nights, discounts or fares will that ever add up to a real relationship with the online booking engine.

In contrast the travel agent you partner with is a real person who remembers you and your preferences. Thinks of you by name and face not membership number or confirmation number please.

With a travel agent you are you and they are your partner in travel success.

With the online booking companies you’re simply anther transaction in a series of transactions.

When you have the option of booking your travel with a real human wouldn’t you choose that over a nameless, faceless booking engine?

